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прошел успешные испытания в Китае
Inter-regional magazine – is the special practical- scientific edition. It was founded in 2008.
The main editor is the first deputy governor of Kuzbass region Mazikin V. P., academician, doctor of technical sciences.
The editorial board consists of main coal Russian & Kuzbass enterprises leaders, scientists, leaders of Kemerovo region Administration.
The magazine was awarded with great coal industry rewards, became the best coal-industry edition in Russia, it was included to the Gold Fund of Russia press.
The audience
The magazine is wished in many regions of Russia & abroad.
Among readers – greatest companies: MECHEL, BELON, SUEK, Sibuglemet, SDS, EVRAZ, Kuzbassrazrezugol,Vorkutaugol, Hakasrazrezugol, UKAS, Sahalinugol, Donugol & so on.
The main audience of the magazine is coal regions department workers, mining and coal-remaking enterprises and business workers, representatives of metallurgical, machine building, coal building and energy enterprises.
Main sections
Analytic geometry. Prognoses. Tendency.
Production. Achievements.
Technic. Technology. Safety.
People & Coal.
Unique photo-project is in every edition.
The majority of magazine is spread with the help of post-office service among the leaders of coal branch.
Additional part is spread during special thematic forums of Russia.
Short description
Quantity - 5 000 magazines
Once a month
Format: А4
About 80-120 pages
Tеl/fax: +7 (3842) 72-16-34, 76-60-77, 76-35-45, 76-11-91, 72-35-38.